Massage therapy is considered to be one of the oldest and most effective practices to relax your body and mind. Through massage, shoulder, back, and neck pain can be relieved. It also soothes depression and anxiety and can help one maintain proper posture and can also improve circulation. Massage therapy is best for desk workers. Since there are a lot of benefits to massage, there are many people who have included it in their fitness regime. In this context, massage chairs are becoming very popular because of their mobility, convenience and time efficiency. They are also known for their latest technologies which is a next-gen one.
If you want to buy a massage chair for yourself, before are the 5 things that you should consider before buying one:
Different massage chairs have different sets of features. There is a Shiatsu massage chair that can target the pressure points all over the body by the swaying, pressing and rolling movements. There are also zero-gravity chairs available that reclines to a zero-gravity position before beginning the massage. You should try out for different chairs so that you can buy the one which gives you the best of experience since massage chairs are known for being organic stress relief.
Buying a massage chair might make a hole in your pocket. But the cost of the chair ranges from a few hundred to thousand dollars which can depend on a lot of factors like appearances, features, the manufacturing company and the quality of materials used in the chairs.
The massage chair consists of many computer components, moving parts, and wiring, so it is a possibility that the things can go wrong. Since you will be using the chair frequently, you should make sure that you should get a chair which is heavy duty and resilient. When buying, you should always opt for a quality investment.
A massage chair is huge, bulky furniture that can’t be tucked anywhere. The living room should not be opted for keeping the massage chair because it doesn’t matter as to how aesthetically pleasing the massage chair is, it can still disrupt the décor of your room. Since this chair is for your personal use, you can place it in office, home or bedroom.
Before you make any purchase, you should find out how long the warranty is and what all it can cover. You should make sure that at the minimum it should cover labor and parts. You should also ensure that the massage chair should offer one month of unconditional cash back guarantee.
In this context, the Lixo LI399 is considered to be one of the best and top rated massage chairs because it has many extensive features like:
Heel massage, feet scrapping massage, and arch scrapping massage
Air pressure massage which is for both sides of the calf.
3 automatic massage modes which include soft relaxing, recovery of ache and fatigue relieve.
Lixo Massage chairs are India’s no. 1 massage chairs because they provide higher years of warranty where there are 5 lakh people who are using Lixo massage chairs at airports and malls since past 4 years.
Forget the boring treadmills which make you lazy because massage chairs are all about making you feel relaxed, where the Lixo massage chairs have the ability to give you a human touch feel.